NNDM Beershiva Sr. Sec. School, Ranikhet
NNDM Beershiva Sr. Sec. School is located in Chilianaula, Ranikhet 263645, Almora ,Uttarakhand, India. Beershiva Sr. Sec. School Ranikhet is a private school.
NNDM Beershiva Sr. Sec. School Ranikhet facilities:
- Library
- Laboratory
- Computer Lab
- School Bus Facility
NNDM Beershiva Sr. Sec. School Ranikhet fee structure:
Information about NNDM Beershiva Sr. Sec. School Ranikhet. The information included is contact details like phone number, email, website to School.
Contact Information
Chilianaula, Ranikhet
Pin Code
Phone Number
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