Best Shopping Center in Haldwani
The Durga city center address is Nainital Road, Haldwani for locals. This is a good hub/place for your needs. Walk with your family, use a service, and get a job, DC center fills all your needs in Haldwani.
Durga city center pin code is 263139 and falls under the Bhotia Padav Post office Haldwani. The local call is "DC Center Haldwani" or "DC".
What's popular in Durga City Center?
- Small Business Hub
- Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited, Bhotia Parao
- Banks like: HDFC, IDBI, AXIS
- Computer, Electronics, IT shops & repairing hub
- Banking, Financing, Insurance, Taxation, etc services.
- Books, Sports, Fashion, Food, and more.
Contact Information
Durga City Center (DC), Haldwani, नैनीताल, Uttarakhand, 263139, India
Pin Code