Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital, Dehradun
Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital is located in jhajra NH 72 Chakrata Road Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. The hospital was established in year 2016. The Hospital is a Private Hospital.
Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital Dehradun services:
- 24 hrs. Emergency Services
- 24 hrs. Blood Bank
- 24 hrs. Ambulance
- 24 hrs. Pharmacy
- Comprehensive Services
Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital Dehradun Consulating Fee:
- 300-500 ₹ (Approx.)
Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital Dehradun Services & Treatment:
- Heart
- Chest Diseases
- Hypertension & Diabetes Management
- Bone & joints diseases
- General & Laparoscopic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Pediatric ailments
- Skin diseases
- Diseases of Ear
- Nose & throat
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Diseases of eye
- Psychiatric Disorders
- Dental Surgeries
Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital Dehradun Facilities:
- Ultrasound, Colour Doppler, X-ray and CT Scan
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- Comprehensive Lab Investigations (Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology)
- Endoscopy, Laproscopy, Arthroscopy
Information about Dr. K.K.B.M Subharti Hospital, Dehradun. The information included is contact details like phone number, email, website to Hospital.
Contact Information
jhajra NH 72 Chakrata Road Dehradun
Pin Code
Phone Number
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